So what if its only a 1.
Dont be fooled by a 3 HP peak duty horsepower rating when the Continuous Duty HP is only 1.
I know of one extremely popular treadmill right now that is doing this and unfortunately people are buying it in droves because it seems like such a good buy.
For example, are you tall or are you planning to run a lot? Then you need to make sure the treadbelt is at least 55".
But it doesn't have to be this way.
China Fitness Equipments Suppliers2) The Old Motor Horsepower Trick
Some not-so-savory treadmill manufacturers or stores will try to impress you with the peak duty motor power.
Continuous Duty Horsepower is a more accurate measure of the motor power.
Are you, or is someone in your household a little on the sturdy side? Then its probably best to get a treadmill especially built to take heavier weights.0 HP motor. Thus, this is the more accurate number to gage motor power. And a treadmill is an investment in your health.
While it's true that not all of us can afford a $4000 commercial treadmill, there are higher quality treadmills out there for under $1500 and even some under $1000.
Bonus Mistake #4): Not Considering Your OWN Personal Workout Needs Before Buying
Thats great that you found a quality treadmill for $999.5 HP! Just remember that the motor is the most expensive part of the treadmill to fix. I know of one woman who did permanent damage to her hips because she bought a cheap treadmill with cheap cushioning and then ran on it.But if you want to save yourself lots of pain and loads of money, steer clear of these 3 common mistakes that most treadmill buyers make when purchasing:
#1) Getting Taken in by the Icing
The 'icing' is all of the non-essential treadmill goodies that some lesser-quality treadmills offer you. This is the power at which the treadmill can continually, steadily operate for 24 hours without slowing down. Focus on the core essentials of a quality treadmill first - then enjoy the goodies.
Do you want to wreck your joints or give yourself permanent back problems just to save a couple hundred bucks?
Unfortunately, this happens all too often.
Peak Duty Horsepower is the power potential of the motor the highest power it can run at. You CAN # find a high quality treadmill for a reasonably low price - if you know where to look. However the treadmill cannot sustain this power and it will soon start to overheat.
Remember to consider your own needs when looking at treadmills
Regardless of which treadmill you choose - try to steer clear of these common mistakes and you'll save yourself a load of grief (and a ton of money!) Good luck and have fun!. Wow - you think - a 3.5 HP motor it comes with a free heart rate monitor! That 90 day warranty doesn't matter it gives you 30 workout programs!
This is like buying a cake after only seeing the icing and then finding out that the icing is ALL there is.
Do you have back problems or a weak back? Then if you want a folding treadmill, it might be better to purchase one with a power folding option so that you can reduce the strain of heavy lifting.
However, what they're not telling you is that there are 2 measures of motor power: Peak Duty Horsepower AND Continuous Duty Horsepower. So this measurement is essentially useless to you. Don't sacrifice your health just to save a buck. These are meant to hide the fact that the essential factors of a quality machine arent there. But have you considered the fact that you are 6 feet tall and that treadbelt is only 52 long?
When shopping for a treadmill, many people fall into the trap of ONLY looking at treadmills and never looking at themselves.
#3) Considering Price to be the Most Important Factor
Although price is an important factor, your health is the most important factor. Within 4 months, she was in so much pain, she couldn't even walk on her treadmill
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